A cheerful greeting
Author Joanna | Clean enthusiast

We all know how important the smile is in customer service. According to a recent study, receiving friendly service makes a customer up to 60% more likely to come back. And smiles are a nice thing to have around the workplace too - the colleagues that are always happy are the ones we want to spend the most time with.

But what about your building? Does that feel good to spend time with too? Does it greet you cheerfully when you walk up to it in the morning, and shake it warmly by the door handle? It’s a refreshing feeling when your workplace feels like that old friend that always laughs at your jokes, no matter how cheesy they are.


Don’t leave your business looking like it spent a night in the hedge. Make sure it’s got a washed face, brushed teeth, and uses plenty of deodorant. Let it be confident enough to smile!


And if you feel like your facilities aren’t happy enough, get in touch with us and we’ll recommend one of our clients who we know will do an impressive job.